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Can pregnant women eat mushrooms? Recommend several kinds of mushrooms 2019-01-02 01:32:34

 Can pregnant women eat mushrooms? Recommend several kinds of mushrooms

For pregnant women, more attention is paid to diet. Mushroom nutrition is rich in essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and polysaccharides. So, mushrooms are so good, can pregnant women eat mushrooms? How do pregnant women eat mushrooms? What's the health benefits of eating mushrooms? Let's get to know each other.
Can pregnant women eat mushrooms?
Pregnant women can eat mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and contain essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and polysaccharides. Mushrooms consumed by pregnant women can well supplement the energy and nutrients needed by themselves and the fetus.
Anemia sometimes occurs during pregnancy, when it's best to eat foods rich in iron. Mushrooms are rich in zinc and iron, which can effectively prevent anemia during pregnancy. Mushroom is also rich in dietary fiber, pregnant women eat is conducive to defecation and detoxification, constipation during pregnancy has a good preventive effect.
The effective ingredients of mushroom can enhance the function of T lymphocyte, thereby improving the immunity of the body against various diseases. Pregnant women often eat to strengthen their health and build up their physique. Mushroom also contains tyrosinase, which has obvious effect on lowering blood pressure. Pregnant women's diet has a better preventive effect on pregnancy hypertension.
Fresh mushrooms are the best choice for pregnant women. Fresh mushrooms are healthier than canned mushrooms. Canned mushrooms often contain high levels of sodium, while fresh mushrooms contain not only less sodium, but also no preservatives.
In addition, avoid eating poisonous mushrooms. Some mushrooms are poisonous. If you want to eat mushrooms, you'd better buy them from the market or supermarket. Don't eat those mushrooms you find in nature, so as not to eat poisonous mushrooms.
Effectiveness and Function of Mushroom
1. Improving the body's immunity
The effective ingredients of mushroom can enhance the function of T lymphocyte, thereby improving the immune function of the body against various diseases.
2. Analgesia and sedation
Act-2, a substance extracted from mushrooms by a Brazilian research institute, has analgesic and sedative effects, and its analgesic effect can replace morphine.
3. Stopping Cough and Resolving Phlegm
The mushroom extract was used in animal experiments. It was found that it had obvious antitussive and diluting effects on sputum.
4, anticancer
Japanese researchers have analyzed a super-strong anticancer substance with molecular weight 288 from the active ingredients of mushrooms, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and its effect is 1000 times stronger than that of green tea. Mushroom also contains a toxic protein, which can effectively prevent the protein synthesis of cancer cells.
5. Defecation and detoxification
Mushroom contains crude fibers, semi-crude fibers and lignin, which are difficult to digest. It can keep the intestinal water, absorb the remaining cholesterol and sugar, and expel them out of the body to prevent constipation, intestinal cancer and arteriosclerosis. Diabetes and so on are very beneficial.
The practice of eating mushrooms for pregnant women
Mushroom, shredded vegetable and oatmeal porridge
Ingredients: 70 grams of oats, 100 grams of mushrooms, 150 grams of rape, proper salt, 1 piece of garlic, proper soup, a little vegetable oil.
1. Pat the garlic cloves into small pieces. Pour a little oil into the pan. Put the garlic cloves into the pan until fragrant.
2. Pour the washed and drained mushrooms into the pot and stir-fry, stir-fry the water.
3. Cut the rape shredded and pour it into the pot. Stir-fry it soft and add water or chicken soup to boil.
4. Pour oatmeal into the boil for about 1 minute.
1. If you choose a bigger mushroom, you need to slice the mushroom first.
2. Ready-to-eat oatmeal or fast-cooked oatmeal can be used to cook this porridge.
3. In addition to mushroom, vegetable, shredded oatmeal, you can also change other flavors according to your preferences, such as chicken shredded green oatmeal, fish shredded green oatmeal, or even traditional lean porridge with preserved eggs cooked with oatmeal, which tastes good.
Pasta with mushroom meat sauce
Ingredients: 100g minced meat, 5 mushrooms, 200g spaghetti, 1 yolk, 10g raw powder, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon fresh soy sauce, 50g vegetable oil, 100g mushroom pasta sauce.
1. Cut pork into minced meat. Add egg yolk, flour, salt and soy sauce and mix well. Cut the mushrooms into slices and set aside.
2. Pour most of the pot water into the soup pot, boil the noodles, turn to low heat after boiling again, add five to six times of cold water, cook the noodles thoroughly, no hard core, turn off the heat, and filter out the noodles.
3. Pour the oil in the frying pan and cook until 80% hot. Stir-fry the minced meat over low heat. Then stir-fry the mushrooms. Add pasta sauce and a little water. Stir-fry well and then simmer until the soup is thick.
4. Lastly, put the noodles on the plate and sprinkle with the cooked pasta sauce.
1. When cooking pasta, the natural starch in the pasta will be released into the water, and the pasta will produce viscosity, which will make the sauce stick to the surface better.
2. If you want to get the best eating experience, please don't wash pasta with water after cooking and draining water.
3. The only exception is that when you make a pasta salad, you can use water to cool the pasta only in this case to avoid overcooking.
Conclusion: The pregnant women who can eat mushrooms during pregnancy can consume mushrooms to supplement the energy and nutrients needed by themselves and the fetus. Mushrooms are rich in zinc and iron, which can effectively prevent anemia during pregnancy. Mushroom is also rich in dietary fiber, pregnant women eat is conducive to defecation and detoxification, constipation during pregnancy has a good preventive effect.

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